Monday, December 26, 2011

A new town, a new life, a chance to start over.

When I was 12 my mom came home from work one day with a modeling job for me. Now I wasn't too happy, seeing as I hate models. I pouted for awhile, refusing to cooperate but I eventually went into it. Now I'm determined to change the way people think of models forever. 
When my mom told me we were moving to Twinbrook, I was not happy. I mean , how could I leave my life, my friends, my home behind just because they had better jobs. I almost refused to go.. But upon arriving, I started to like it. 
 We got to the house pretty late, around 10 o clock. And boy was I glad that it was Saturday. 

 Theres some photo's of the house I took. Most of the rooms are self explanatory.

 Since it was pretty late, I decided to go find Tigger and get to sleep.  I found her sitting in the backyard, trying to get up onto the trampoline. 

 When I woke up my mom was already downstairs making breakfast. I flashed her a smile then opened up my laptop to see what clubs the school offered. I saw Book club and almost instantly signed up. 

 I went to check on my mom to see how the waffles were going only to find out she burnt them. Ya.. did I mention she isn't a really good cook? No? Well... she isn't.
 I decided to make some toast and eat it in the front, get some fresh air. 
 Not five minutes after I'm done eating, my mom ushers me off to go to a modeling shoot on the beach. 
 When we got there, she sent me to go get changed and started talking to the photographer, telling him how she needed the shots for my portfolio. 

 "What am I, chopped liver?" I called after the shoot was done. They just left me standing there. 
 My mom walked up and said with a spurt of anger  "Go get changed, I'm teaching you to drive so I don't have to take you to these shoots." 
"Ok" I said, taking a step back.
 She went back to talking with the photographer, I heard her yelling and stuff. Figures. I thought, she yells at everyone. 

 It started off pretty bad. I ended up in the middle of the road, and I couldn't figure out how to turn around./
 Eventually, my mom got frustrated and gave up. She ordered me to drive home to drop her off. I did so then walked across the street to the library where I read a book on effectiveness of the llama campaign. 
 Tigger entertained herself by lunging at some catnip toys..........
 When I arrived home, I found an adorable stray puppy on the porch. 
"Hey there little guy," I said, leaning down to let it sniff my hand. 
 "Good boy!" I said, I went to pick him up but I guess he had enough, so he ran off. 
 "Trying to cook again?" I muttered, walking in. My mom paid no attention. 
 We ate dinner in silence, not daring to say a word. 

 I went to bed directly after, seeing as I had school tomorrow. 
 Tigger stayed up to play on her awesome cat condo.
 I woke up to find a big zit on my cheek. I put on a scorn and went to the bathroom to pop it. 
 I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and then it was off to the bus for me. 
 Apperantly I was the first stop of the day. I mentally sighed and plopped down in the first seat. 
"This is going to be a long year" I murmured under my breath. 
"Whats that sweetie?" The bus driver asked, looking back at me through the mirror.
"Oh. N-nothing" I stammered. 
 The whole day Tigger chased my mom around.. She should know not to mess with her by now. 
 When she finally got away, she decided to head to the bookstore to pick up some books on cooking. 
 I guess my predictions were wrong. I ended up making a friend and we went to hang out at her house that afternoon. 

 I went to get some dinner when my mom stopped me.
"You've been looking kind of chubby lately. Skip dinner, It'll help" She demanded
 "Mom!" I spat in disgust, "I need to eat!"
"You can eat tomorrow!" She yelled back
"You little pig!" I hissed
 She looked at me like I was insane.
"Just because I can't have a perfect figure like you, doesn't mean I have to starve trying to mom."

 She wouldn't let me to the fridge so I went upstairs.. I looked in the mirror for a long time. 
Maybe I do need to loose weight... I thought to myself. 

 I need to push that weight aside, I need to just skip a meal a day or something.. Ya. Thats it.. I just. I won't eat dinner!

 Then that fat old me will become a skinny, new me... 
 I looked around then back at the mirror. A huge ugly fat beast stared back at me... Did I really look like that?!

I took one last look, then went off to bed. I would start my new diet tomorrow. I told myself

You should check out my other blog you guys. It's not a sims blog, but its super awesome <3 

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